2021-01-15 Grouse mountain snow report

2021-01-15 Grouse mountain snow report

It was another sunny day! Unfortunately due to continuous no snows the runs were still icy, but not as bad as the day after the rain. Major runs such as the Cut got shaved by many snowborders so it was not as slippery as minor runs such as Expo. There were some fogs or clouds occasionary but it didn't reduce visibility almost at all. It was very easy to read terrain today.

Overall rate: 4/5 ★★★★☆

Closed runs (right, closed runs instead of open runs unlike the last times):

  • Coffin
  • Hades
  • Inferno
  • Outer Limits
  • Purgatory
  • Chimney
  • Paper Trail after mid station

Open chairlifts: Everything except for Peak Chair

Open terrain parks:

  • Cut Park (at the Cut)
  • Paradise Jib Park (at Paradise)
  • Grouse Park (at Side Cut)

Gorgerous day!

Chalet Road entrance

Expo was mostly covered by ice, but a lot better than 2 days ago


Bottom of the Cut needs more snows.

Bottom of the Cut
Bottom of the Cut from Screaming Eagle