Tag Grouse mountain
It’s a hot and clear sunny slushy snow day.
It’s a powder day, and The Cut finally opened until the very bottom! Unfortunately despite Grouse opened The Cut but Screaming Eagle delayed to open for about 3 hours, so...
It’s another amazing day today at Grouse mountain. The snow was soft at The Cut, except for some soft death cookies at the lower part of the run. It was...
It’s an amazing day today at Grouse mountain. The snow was soft and nicely groomed, and the resort was not busy at all. The visibility was clear, and the weather...
This is wide and often gets icy or partially mogul. Don’t hesitate slowing down when you are running here.
The grouse mountain trail map image is from Grouse mountain official webpage
Snow was wet and soft. It was very bad at first since it grabbed board like glue but after many people riding through it got a lot better and stable....
Snow was hard-packed and rough, and the weather was very windy and snowy later. Groomed runs were very bad, but ungroomed areas were nice and softer.
It was similar to yesterday but with less powder, and it sleeted a lot. It was not very busy.
The visibility was as bad as yesterday
It was very nice powder day! Unfortunately as they’ve announced Olympic chair was not working today, so the only runs available were mellow which is not the best for a...
We got new snow, and it was not raining, so the snow in the early afternoon when it opened was great at groomed runs, but unfortunately ungroomed runs’ snow weren’t...
It was powder day, the resort was almost empty, and the visibility was not bad! This is definitely one of the best days in Grouse mountain of this season.
It was the last morning operation of Grouse mountain. The snow was hard-packed, icy, and chunky, but the runs where everybody go through were getting better and better as they...
It was icy and slightly foggy day. Unfortunately there was a skier smoking marijuana everywhere and that made the whole mountain stinky. Not recommended to visit today.
Unlike yesterday, it was icy. Also due to high wind, Olympic Express remained closed, so most of the runs were closed. The Cut condition was mixed due to the wind....
It was an absolutely gorgeous day. It was a clear sunny hot day with lots of accumulated snow that turned into spring slush. Any runs under the sun were great....
It was a mini pow day! The snow was not deep and very heavy, but still nicely ridable. Unfortunately both Screaming Eagle and Olympic Express delayed a lot for opening....
It’s an hard-packed and hot clear sunny day in the morning, and got very slushy at groomed runs later. It was very busy too. Off-piste runs had mixed conditions; Peak...
It’s an hard-packed and foggy day in the morning, and slushy and sunny hot day later. The snow was not enough at some areas such as lower part of Upper...
This is a flat and narrow cat track connecting from Chalet to Paper Trail, The Cut, Centennial, Expo Glades, and Expo. Not explicitly shown in the map, but it also...
It’s an icy, sunny, and busy day. The sunlight was so strong that areas exposed to the sun gets softer with bumps gradually, such as The Cut and part of...
The snow was mostly great. All the groomed runs, and shady ungroomed runs at the top half of the mountain were great. The temperature was low but the sun was...
Spring break seems to have started silently. They changed the weekday operation hours from 9am to 8am. It was busier than usual weekday, but not very busy at all.
It was a foggy and snowy day. The snow was icy and hard-packed but they groomed the most of the runs. Do not go to ungroomed runs or glades since...
It was a clear sunny warm day. The day started from icy hard-packed snow but the snow gradually melt as the sun hits during late morning. The grooming was not...
We got 3cm of fresh snow, and the weather kept the snow nice and soft. Both the groomed runs and ungroomed runs had the best condition at all the time...
We got 1cm of fresh snow, and groomed runs had great condition, but ungroomed runs were mostly icy with occasional breakable icy powder.
We got 13cm of fresh snow, but the surface was covered by ice. The weather was foggy and changed to sunny. Untouched powder-looking snow was very hard to ride because...
It was a day-old powder, and foggy day. The snow was mix of good and bad, but if you choose the right runs it was almost always great.
The snow was icier than yesterday, and it was way busier than yesterday. It was colder but having no wind and strong sun light keep us nice warm but not...
The snow was harder than yesterday, and it was busier than yesterday, but the sunlight and nice grooming made today great. Ungroomed runs weren’t necessarily great but groomed runs were...
-7C with high overcast skies. It was pretty busy, but not too bad, and the snow was mostly soft.
It was very foggy, and the snow was hard-packed with fresh articifial snow on top. Wide open runs such as The Cut weren’t very good due to the combination. However...
It’s clear sunny with some fog, and the snow is semi-hard packed. The grooming was very good. It wasn’t very busy at all too.
It’s sunny on top half of the mountain, and foggy or cloudy in the lower half of the mountain. The snow looked nice soft powdery but it was very thin...
The grooming today was surprising. The Cut was fully groomed, and many runs that usually do not get groomed actually got groomed today, such as Upper Purgatory, Lower Blazes, and...
Grouse got 8cm of overnight snow! It is a nice mini powder day today. The visibility was mostly fine except for the lower part of Heaven’s Sake. It wasn’t busy...
It’s between snowing and misting, somewhat foggy but not really. There was 0.2cm of snow on grooming which made runs great in the early morning, but ungroomed runs were still...
It was clear sunny cold day, and the snow was nice only at the groomed run and when it’s not shaved out yet. Unfortunately the areas that got groomed were...
It was sunny and hard-packed icy day with some soft snow melt under the sun. Unfortunately cloud came to cover the lower half of the mountain later. It was busy...
It was foggy, and the snow was harder than yesterday. Unfortunately the temperature was around zero, so the little bit snow was very wet and sticky to the goggles. The...
They added a new run called “No Man’s Land” as a black diamond run, right next to Peak! It’s now official.
It looked foggy but it wasn’t too bad. The snow was icy, and ungroomed areas were not very ridable. The Cut grooming was nice. Screaming Eagle was running well, unlike...
Thanks to the continuous new snow, more runs were open. It was also not foggy today. Many areas were icy but mellow groomed runs were fine, such as The Cut...
It was great to see the new fresh snow after a long terribly warm heavy rain weekend. 25cm of wet snow was covering the dirt which made great creamy powder...
It was a warm and cloudy day. The snow was soft and unstable, so the terrain got bumpy very quickly. It was not too busy but there were many groups...
This is a groomed mellow blue run, or a cat-track. This is as flat as Chalet Road, but with a bit steep and tight section at the very end. If...
It was extremely foggy all the time. The snow was very hard. It gradually became relatively softer but not like yesterday. It was still windy too. At least it was...
They announced to close early at 2pm due to high wind. Besides that today’s condition was surprisingly good! The visibility had no trouble at all but actually had infinite visibility....
The snow and the visibility were great, and it wasn’t too busy. Unfortunately the snow amount is still not enough to open some blue runs such as Skyline and all...
The snow was completely opposite to yesterday; it was powder and runs fast. It was snowing and the snow cannons were also running so you have mixed condition. Unfortunately some...
The runs today were made of the following two things: ice and shaved ice. It was very busy, even though there weren’t tyee ski club. A lot of runs were...
It was the most foggy and wet day. The base was already full of skiers about an hour before opening, and the runs got busy immediately after opening. We got...
It was the busiest weekday. The snow started hard-packed slippery fast wet snow, and turned into spring slush, which wasn’t bad. It was very foggy, but the exposures ironically helped...
It was the combination of the best snow ever and worst everything else.
It was -9C nice dry cold day. The snow was mix of hard-packed groomed piste and dry soft deep powder, like yesterday. Due to cloud above the mountain the visibility...
It was sunny, cold, extremely busy, and mix of hard-packed or powder snow day. Both the Screaming Eagle and Olympic chairs were busy. Buses were packed. Saw a long line...
Unfortunately due to heavy snow in the city and Grouse’s delayed opening, I had to give up going to Grouse for today’s report. Let me post Downtown Vancouver snow report...
The Christmas holiday season officially started. Grouse mountain operation hours on a weekday is now not 9:00am to 9:00pm but 8:00am to 10:00pm. The first upload Skyride is 7:45am.
The snow was mixture of snow or hard-packed, depending on the location. The busier and the sunnier the softer the snow is. The best was The Cut and the worst...
The snow was icier than yesterday but still snow. The view was amazing. It was not dark but unfortunately the terrain was hard to read because of flat light. It...
This was so far the best day ever in this season at Grouse mountain. Very clear infinite visibility, soft snow, nice grooming, and not busy. Can’t expect more.
The visibility was very bad, but sometimes it was somewhat clear. Way more visible than the last Friday. The snow was hard-packed but some area had fresh snow or fresh...
It was clear sunny and icy day. More runs opened since the last weekend, including Skyline, which made it a lot easier to explore all the runs other than just...
Grouse’s “bunny hill,” Paradise is anything but what its name suggests. Designed for new skiers and snowboarders, Paradise is short and very mellow but at the same time features a...
The snow was not bad, but the visibility was zero. The feature image above is a photo I took at the upper part of The Cut from the right side,...
Everything was great today. The visibility was great as long as you stay away from the snow cannon. The snow was hard-packed in the early morning but it was shaved...
Grouse mountain opened for season 2022/2023 on 2022-11-18 1pm, and this is our first snow report of the season on 2022-11-21! The only run is Paradise with Paradise Park, and...
This is the final weekday operation of Grouse mountain in this season. It was snowing with good visibility. The air was actually cold. The snow at the top of the...
This is the final week of Grouse mountain in this season! They really did a great job collecting all the snow into the main runs to keep them runnable. The...
It had been raining for a while but finally it cleared out. It was a nice chilling cloudy day with good visibility. The snow was almost melt and slushy, but...
The snow was soft and slow but not very wet, and the visibility was good. The sun was mostly covered by thin layer of cloud so the temperature was not...
It was clear sunny hot and slow soft snow. Skyride was extremely busy due to multiple group tours unfortunately.
It was a day with random weather. It started cloudy with directional light with spotted blue sky, and turned into big dump of snow. The new snow was unfortunately very...
It was very similar to yesterday, but the snow started firm at first. After getting more snow, the snow on top of the firm wet layer made your ride very...
The weather today was very random. Sometimes it was extremely foggy, sometimes it was clear sunny, and somewhat in between. The snow started smooth and slushy, but turned into more...
The snow was still wet powder, but the visibility was way better than yesterday. It was extremely busy as a weekday. The snow is unstable but so soft that even...
It was wet powder, slow, foggy, and empty day. Grouse mountain got fresh powder snow with a hint of rain or moist, so the snow layer on relatively hard packed...
They opened at 3pm which is very late today as they announced last week.
It was sunny, and still somewhat powderly, but very busy day. The lower half of the mountain was very hot, particularly at The Cut.
Definitely the best snow of the entire season today. It was sunny, cold, busy, and powderly day. Skyride and chairlifts were busy but not as busy as weekend. The snow...
This is a tough ungroomed blue runs at Grouse mountain. Recommended to try this after getting used to Peak or Upper Buckhorn, and before trying Blue Face, Grinder Tracks, or...
It was the mixture of rain, hail, and wet snow. The visibility was zero, particularly at high elevation such as Peak or Heaven’s Sake. The fresh wet snow and rain...
The visibility was great today. Snow was not icy like the last time, but slushy in a bad way that grabs your board to stop.
It was definitely the worst snow of the season today. Do not go snowboarding today.
The visibility was unfortunately very bad, but the snow was really good. It was soft but not too soft, so you can rip and grip. Later the busy runs such...
It was a clear sunny day with a big layor of cloud at the middle of the mountain. There was no visibility at the lower half of the mountain. Thanks...
It was completely clear sunny day with cold temperature. Unfortunately the snow was very icy and chunky, and it was busier than usual weekdays too. Recommended to ride groomed runs,...
It was partially foggy but mostly actually very clear today. The foggy areas, particularly the Cut in the morning, were as foggy as yesterday, but if you move a little...
It was another the most foggy day, like 2022-02-17. The snow was nice soft at groomed areas and hard packed at ungroomed areas. Paper Trail, Skyline, and Mountain Highway are...
It’s clear sunny but not too hot, and the snow is very soft today. Patches of fog occasionary hit open areas but they dissapear very quickly. The visibility has been...
It was snowing in the morning and turned into cloudy foggy later. The snow was very wet and soft, so the board goes really slow and the foundation is not...
It was definitely the most foggy day. Grouse Mountain and other north shore mountains often get foggy, but I have never seen such a deep fog for a while. Pretty...
It was another great day. Today’s Grouse mountain started a bit icy but the snow got shaved and melt nicely, and didn’t get fog at the most of runs, except...
We added more pages for each runs/lifts at Grouse Mountain, and added more videos at the existing pages as well. We’ll be covering all of them gradually!
It was a great day. Today’s Grouse mountain was almost empty, not icy at all but powdery, and mostly foggy with very little chance of the sun between the fog....
We got about 5cm of snow! The temperature was cold at first but unfortunately the temperature went up as the times went by, and that caused the falling snow wet...
It was nice cool & sunny day, with iceful runs. I hoped the snow to be soft since they got snow for the past days, but unfortunately it seemed to...
It was hot, icy, and clear day. Very similar to 2 days ago but even hotter and icier. The city was foggy but the mountain had infinite visibility.
It was hot, icy, and clear day. Completely different to the last week. Finally the fog on the mountain went away! The city got that instead :)
It was a foggy, slushy, and not a busy day, with busy at magic carpet and paradise by multiple groups. The visibility was extremely low like 2 days ago, but...
Finally I can snowboard again! I caught a very bad sick and it lasted for a very long time. My body is still not fully recovered.
It was a really busy day. Ski Wee group was occupying preopen Skyrides, so even with the first Skyride the lifts were already busy. The weather and snow were great....
The Cut fully opened up, while Olympic Chair is not available yet. The snow seemed good but don’t trust too much; your board can touch something underneath and fall easily....
This year the season started very late. Even though it’s already 2021-12-08, unfortunately Grouse mountain did not enough snow to open runs other than Paradise, due to atmospheric river. The...
Screenshot from Snow Cam https://www.grousemountain.com/web-cams/snow-cam
A capture from Grouse mountain "Chalet cam" live cam:
Another beautiful warm and sunny day on Grouse. Temps today reached up to 15C and there was still a good amount of snow to be had, though it is getting...
Similar to yesterday but overall everything was better. The Cut Rookie Park got maintained nicely and jumps got more solid. Screaming Eagle did not stop, and less busy than yesterday....
It was a hot and busy day with soft/slushy/slow/wet snow, like yesterday, but worse.
It was a fun, hot, slushy, slow, and busy day! The snow was more melt, so it was hard to run in a good pace at flat areas such as...
It was a very hot sunny day, but the air was cool enough and a bit windy, so it wasn't uncomfortable. The snow was surprisingly good, and very fun to...
It was puking! It kept snowing massively all the time. Due to having heavy fog wide open runs such as the Cut and bottom of Heaven's Sake were very hard...
It was not busy, not hot despite the high temperature, and hard packed at ungroomed areas but soft & slushy at groomed areas.
Due to strong sun light and no new snow the conditions were soft and slushy, though the temperature was still low enough to keep the snow stable in the morning....
Finally spring break is over. The first skyride in the morning is not 8am but 9am, and it's still very busy.
Today we had the best snow and the worst visibility. It kept snowing hard. All the runs were covered by snow. It kept foggy everywhere, so unfortunately we don't have...
The fresh snow we got yesterday got frozen, so there were frozen snow everywhere until it's tracked over by many snowboarders/skiers. Ungroomed areas were very hard to ride. Groomed runs...
I've never seen Grouse mountain to have such great snow. The snow today was definitely the best in my entire experience at Grouse mountain. It was really busy though.
According to the weather forecast it would rain from this late morning with +6C hot windy cloudy temperature. Due to the high temperature the snow at the Cut, which was...
We expected this morning to be icy, but it was not. Very soft and well groomed snow really made riding enjoyable! There were lots of ski school and ski club...
Spring break officially started. Skyride hour starts at 8am instead of 9am. According to the reservation we've seen 8:30am slots are available but haven't seen 8:00am yet. Most of them...
The ice yesterday has crashed and melt. Also more runs have been groomed, so snow conditions got a lot better. The surface can be rough and chunky a little bit,...
It was very icy and rocky. Groomed runs were fine, particularly after many people running through, but ungroomed runs were icy, slippery, shaky, and very hard to grip your board....
Due to high temperature, melt iced snow became soft chunky snow. Groomed runs got tracked out by many riders and ungroomed runs got mild moguls. The soft snow was forgiving...
It was very icy for the past couple days. Thanks to the strong sun, the Cut got softer gradually, but any other runs were icy like rock. It's the best...
It was a blustery day with some gnarly wind gusts in some spots. When we hit The Cut first thing in the morning it looked like they were running the...
The snow was so good. Everything was perfect. You can do whatever you'd like to do today. The only drawback is that the lifts were too busy on a weekday...
Definitely one of the best days was today. Unlimited visibility with some cloud and blue sky, very cold and dry air that keeps snow stable, and most runs/parks being open!...
It's definitely the peak season. Before the long weekend, let's focus on the latest snow conditions and the details of each runs!
Since we had Grouse mountain snow report yesterday as well, let's keep today's update short.
The temperature on Grouse mountain went down to -7C, not 7C! It's amazing that the snow does not melt. It was snowy occasionally too, also with some snow makers running....
With fresh snow on the ground and bluebird skies, today was one of those days you just don't miss.
Unfortunately it was a very wet mashed potato day. It snowed until about 8am, which was great, but it rained after that, and the rain over the fresh snow really...
We got snow continuously! The condition was great everywhere. It kept snowing, so you might think it's foggy and you get wet, but it actually didn't, since the temperature was...
Finally grouse mountain started running snow makers! It's first time to see them running in this season. They were covering snows on the dirt spots, however, the layer is still...
It's an overcast day but still a visible day. There were some icy area but almost all runs got softer. Thanks to dry and cold air, the snow (or shaved...
It was a gorgeous sunny day. Some runs under shades were icy, but most of them had nice soft snow layer on a bit icy foundation. The condition at the...
It was another sunny day! Unfortunately due to continuous no snows the runs were still icy, but not as bad as the day after the rain. Major runs such as...
It was a blue-bird day, but Grouse and the rest of the North Shore got hit hard with rain the previous day and with little to no snow to make...
Today's Grouse mountain started light snow but turned into rain at around noon. Snow condition was great until the rain. The bottom of the Cut and Expo were tracked out...
Finally Paper Trail fully opened today! According to the web site, it still says it's open to mid station but it's actually open all the way. It was snowy all...
Rainy in the morning, clear visibility, slushy snow. Full Cut finally open, only half Paper Trail. Lower Expo was a bit icy and sketchy. Upper/Lower Buckhorn, Skyline and Heaven's Sake...
The Cut finally opens today!
Even more runs opened. Paper trail to the mid-station opened! It was foggy, but a lot better than the last couple of days. Snow was still heavy but not icy....
Snows finally came! More runs opened. Finally the Cut to the mid-station opened! However due to active snow/rain, most of the runs were very foggy. Some runs, particularly the Cut...
Like last week, due to no snows with continuous sunny days, runs today were icy, and also unfortunately most of runs used to be open now are closed because of...
Due to no snows, sunny and windy days, and cold night, runs today were icy. Also most of runs/lifts are still closed. However none were busy and the visibility was...
It's still in early season. Most of lifts/runs are not open to public yet. Due to high wind, Skyride had to postpone their operation occasionally which caused over 1 hour...
Tag Uncategorized
Season 2023/2024 is coming soon!
As you’ve seen our reports at the season 2021/2022, we have covered more than 1 weekly reports for Grouse mountain, more than 1 monthly reports for Seymour mountain, 1 report...
As you've seen our reports at the season 2020/2021, we have covered more than 1 weekly reports for Grouse mountain, more than 1 monthly reports for Seymour mountain, and 1...
If it’s your first time to take Olympic Express charlift, you have 2 options to go downhill; Peak and this Heaven’s Sake. Choose Heaven’s Sake if it’s first time to...
At the top of Magic Carpet green run. The magic carpet itself is at the left
Tag Seymour mountain
Unfortunately they opened late at 1pm from this week, but the snow, the terrain, and the visibility were good today. It was cloudy but not foggy, and was sometimes sunny....
It was a busy and partially blue-bird powder day. Since it was a weekend it was very busy in the late afternoon, but not like the season 2020/2021. The snow...
This is a tree run, so this requires some fresh powder to enjoy riding. Great particularly on a foggy day, because you can still see things clearly in the trees....
It was busy, but the snow was very nice, and the visibility was great for the most of the day.
It was very foggy at the top, and the snow was partially hard packed.
Congratulations Seymour mountain that we got first snow of the season!
It was a very low visibility, but the tree runs were nice. Snow started out it was snowy and early morning the snow was very heavy, but it was good...
Trapper John’s is an ungroomed blue run at Seymour mountain, starting from the very left of Lodge Chair.
Brockton Gully is a short but difficult green run at Seymour mountain, starting from Brockton Chairlift.
Pete’s is a blue run at Seymour mountain, starting from Manning and ending back to Manning.
Like the last month, it was not a foggy but an icy day at Seymour mountain. The day started clear sunny nice cold morning, and gradually it turned into overcast...
This article covers both Unicorn (Black diamond) and Lower Unicorn (Blue) at Seymour mountain.
Northlands is the most popular blue run at Seymour mountain.
Unlike the last visit, today’s Seymour was sunny, hot, and icy day. The city was still foggy as yesterday’s Grouse described. You need to wear snowboard jacket in the city...
This is the first time to visit Seymour mountain in this winter 2021/2022 season! Both Mystery chair and Lodge chair were not busy at all, so the lift wait time...
The Seymour mountain trail map image is from Seymour mountain official webpage
Seymour mountain today was hot, slushy, sunny, not very busy, and fun day. Lodge Chair stayed empty, and Mystery Peak Express has been like 2~5 minute wait, which is very...
Snow was great but chairlifts have been extremely busy all the time. For example Mystery chair wait time at 11am was 17 minutes. It was either foggy or sunny, and...
This is our 3rd Seymour mountain snow report!
This is our 2nd Seymour mountain snow report!
We did some Seymour mountain researches in the past and now we are finally starting reporting Seymour mountain besides Grouse mountain too!
Tag Revelstoke Mountain Resort
Revelstoke got 6cm of new snow overnight, and the temperature was slightly higher than yesterday. Visibility was great except for the top of the Stoke chair.
Now we are at Revelstoke Mountain Resort for vancouversnowboarding’s annual report and run details!
This is a tree run as the name “glades”, and it’s not a black diamond run. It’s not very long, not very steep but consistent, and not tight between trees,...
Vertigo Ridge, or simply Vertigo, is a very hard ungroomed black diamond run at Revelstoke Mountain Resort. This consists of long severe steep traverse, nice tree run, and very steep...
We got 1cm of snow last night! It was supposed to be a cloudy day with an hour of sunlight, but eneded of full sunny day. We got a lot...
It was icy, cold & cloudy, and windy day. The snow was less sticky, but extremely ice even at groomed run as long as it’s steep, and in Revelstoke almost...
It was sticky powder & icy, cold & sunny, and windy day. The snow looked great, and we expected like the last year, but unfortunately the condition was not as...
Yes, it's RMR, Revelstoke Mountain Resort! If you live in greater Vancouver area and go to Grouse mountain often for snowboarding, you might own your Y2Play pass, and the pass...
Tag Whistler Blackcomb
Still no overnight snow, but the snow condition was not very bad, even with relatively high temperature. It was sunny and the visibility was great all day.
No overnight snow, but the snow condition was still surprisingly good, thanks to the cold temperature. The visibility was great all day.
Happy new year! Unfortunately Katie got injured on the last Christmas day, so we had to wait for about a week.
First Tracks lessons have started. We arrived at 7:44am at Creekside this morning, got 8:15am gondola, which stopped for couple times, and by the time when we arrived at the...
It was raining at the village, and it was very windy at the top. Due to the high wind Peak express, Harmony 6 express, and Symphony express were closed.
Unfortunately Christmas week started, so it was extremely busy. I saw a lot of injuries on the mountain too.
It was a santa day that a lot of people were wearing santa costumes. It was fun to see them, but the snow was extremely icy. It was not fun...
Two days ago we got a lot of snow, so yesterday was a powder day, but most of alpine chairs could not open. Today there was not overnight snow, so...
This was another great day. Very similar to yesterday.
Last Friday was great, but surprisingly today was even better. Less people, fresh snow, and cold temperature. It was snowing even in the Whistler Village.
Recorded just 1cm of new snow, but surprisingly the condition of every groomed run turned out to be great. It was not icy at all, and the visibility was good....
Snow condition was better than yesterday. It’s still icy, but just less icy. It was surprisingly busy as a Thursday unfortunately.
Almost exactly same as yesterday. Most of runs were too icy, but found that Olympic mid station beginner learning area to be the best. Runs there has snow whereas others...
We got more snow, so it was less icy, but it was still icy enough to easily slip or go too fast.
All the runs were extremely icy in the early morning. The visibility was even worse than yesterday. It was strongly windy too. Furthermore, it started raining shortly.
All the runs were extremely icy. The visibility was not great. Just don’t go today.
Thankfully it wasn’t very busy.
Emerald 6 express and Harmony 6 express delayed to open. Temperature went up to 3C with low of 1C, so the snow was not icy but very nice and soft....
Peak express had chairs loaded up, but it did not open today. The visibility was great, and snow was still good but with very small amount of bad spots. Runs...
Similar to yesterday, the visibility was mostly good but sometimes it was foggy. The snow was still good.
The visibility was mostly good but sometimes it was foggy. The snow was still good.
Whistler Blackcomb was planning to open on 2024-11-22, but this year thanks to La Nina we got a lot of snow and they opened 1 days earlier just at the...
Sadly this is our last snow report of this season 2023/2024. The condition was very nice and slushy, but some spots were icy and sketchy such as Una Moss. Unfortunately...
The condition was very variable today. It was mostly icy and bumpy, but some spots were soft and slushy.
It was supposed to be a bluebird powder day, however it was icy, hail, smokey, and foggy. No visibility at all at alpine area. Definitely the worst condition possible.
It was icier than the past days, but the snow gradually turned better.
It was another great day. Do not go to off piste, but as long as you are on the groomed runs, you will have a lot of fun. The resort...
It was not a powder day, but the groomed runs were really good. The resort was empty again.
It was a bluebird mini powder day, and the resort was not busy at all. All the chairs open with almost no delays. It was definitely one of the best...
It was half snowing and raining, but the visibility was clear. The was nice and slushy. The resort was pretty much completely empty.
Somewhat icy in the morning, and nice and slushy later. Garbanzo express delayed to open, and stopped frequently.
The new snow on Saturday night made the runs so much better, and the resort was empty. Lower Dave Murray Downhill towards Creekside village was bumpy and ice in the...
Unfortunately the snow was icy from the top to bottom with more death cookies. The resort was replatively busier despite the icy conditions. It was also hot for human but...
The snow was icy from the top to bottom, but the worst area was the mid mountain with some death cookies. The resort was not busy at all, and the...
The snow was very icy at the top, and still hard-packed at the bottom of the mountain. The resort was not busy at all, and the visibility was great. The...
The snow was very ice at the top, but very nice and slushy at the bottom of the mountain.
It’s a 14cm powder day, and the resort was not busy at all! Unfortunately Peak Express opened very late because the heavy snow made the avalanche control team work hard,...
It was not a powder day, but the snow was still good, and a great blue bird day with no winds. It was not busy at all, except for some...
It was blue bird powder day! We got 14cm new snow, and the visibility was great. The snow was not wet but creamy & fluffy. It was busier than usual,...
The resort was empty, and the snow was not bad at all, thanks to some new snow.
The visibility was great. Snow was not the best but at least evenly groomed, so you can still carve. It was not busy at all.
It was unfortunately icy but groomed runs’ conditions were not bad. It was not busy at all.
We got 21cm of overnight snow. However, more than half of the snow was wet snow and refrozen into pure ice.
Zero visibility and the snow was bumpy and ice. It started raining at the top of the mountain. At lease it was not busy at all which was good, but...
It’s Good Friday, and got 5cm overnight snow, so the resort was busy and actually icy. Not a great day to go there.
We got 10cm overnight snow, and it was partially sunny, so it’s a bluebird mini-pow day!
It was raining in the village, wet-snowing on the mountain, and windy at the top. The visibility was not good, and the snow was mix of sticky and fast. Groomed...
The snow on groomed runs were not bad, but if you go out of the groomed runs, it was very icy and hard packed. The visibility was not good, and...
The snow today was very weird at the mid mountain, and it was extremely foggy. It was like hard packed partially still frozen wet snow, and it was sticky and...
It was hot but the snow was still icy and somewhat bumpy. Visibility was good.
It was an extremely hot day. The snow was sticky but not too bad. It was not too busy too, particularly in the afternoon.
It’s a sunny rip and grip day. The snow condition was good and stable. It was busy but once alpine chairs (Peak Express, Harmony 6 Express, 7th Heaven Express, and...
It’s another powder day. We got 26cm of new snow and the wind was not too strong. Surprisingly Creekside Gondola did not delay to open. It was very busy but...
It’s a mini powder day. We got 8cm new snow and the wind was not too strong. Creekside Gondola delayed to open for about 5 to 10 minutes. It was...
Blue bird powder day! 27cm of overnight snow and it ended up sunny. The snow above the mid mountain was amazing. Not only deep but also very light and dry....
Deep powder day! We got 32cm overnight snow, and it kept snowing heavily. Unfortunately due to high wind, all the alpine chairs did not open at all, and most other...
It was less busy but more icy. Seems like people are waiting for tomorrow and the rest of the week, since the snow is coming.
It was still icy and busy, but the visibility was good except for mid-mountain. Since the snow conditions at alpine were better than mid-mountain or bottom of mountain, everyone went...
It was relatively less busy, but still busy. Snow was good in the early morning, but got icy quickly. The bottom of the mountain had better conditions, such as at...
It was still busy, but with 5cm more snow and the visibility helped the runs even better. It was foggy at mid mountain, but top and bottom were clear. Snow...
Family Day is over, but unfortunately Whistler mountain was extremely busy within 1 hour after opening. Thankfully 5cm of new snow made a thin layer of actual (wet) snow on...
Whistler mountain was extremely busy & icy. The wind was not very strong, so it was better than 2 days ago, but still not a great day to spend time...
Blackcomb mountain was extremely busy & icy. The wind was strong, so Jersey Cream express, Glacier express, and 7th Heaven express aren’t recommended. Crystal Ridge express area was extremely icy,...
It was less busy, but that was it. The snow was still icy.
We supposedly got 11cm overnight snow, but the fresh snow on ice was like artificial snow by snow cannons, and the exposed foundation was hard, so it formed bumpy moguls...
All the chairs and gondolas delayed to open. Due to the heat and heavy rain, the bottom of the mountain and the alpine area remained closed. Mid mountain condition was...
It was a pro-d day, aussie day, pride week, and Friday, so all the chairs were busy except for Fitzsimmon’s 8 express.
Unfortunately the visibility was not the best, the snow was great, and chairs weren’t that busy. It was not strongly windy too.
At Blackcomb mountain, the conditions were like the below, ordered by the elevation from top to bottom: No visibility & good snow Some visibility & hard packed Good visibility &...
It looked like a non busy day but it was still busy at Emerald 6 express area, exactly like the yesterday. Garbanzo express was not busy, but the snow was...
It looked like a non busy day but it was still busy at Emerald 6 express area. Garbanzo express was not busy.
There was no overnight snow, but Symphony express and Peak expresss did not open yesterday, so everyone headed to Peak express this morning for the fresh powder.
With 10cm of new snow and temperature to be -10C, it was one of the best powder days at Whistler Blackcomb.
The temperature recorded below -20C, and the overnight snow was 1cm but it started snowing right before opening, so there was more snow.
We got 30cm of overnight snow. Due to the powder it was extremely busy, even higher than the Christmas holiday season. The line for Creekside gondola was infinite, and the...
We only got 1cm of overnight snow, but it was actually a mini powder day. The snow was light and soft, and the resort was not busy at all for...
We got 42cm of overnight snow! It’s definitely the biggest deep powder day.
Despite 3cm of new snow, the snow condition today wasn’t powdery but firm. Probably due to high wind.
It was snowing a lot! We got 2cm overnight snow so it was a mini pow day. Freezing level was still somewhere between Big Red Express to Roundhouse, so the...
It was a little bit snowy and busy day. Conditions at groomed runs were pretty good, but all the chairs were very busy.
It was a snowy and busy day. The snow at Whistler mountain was significantly better than the ice in Blackcomb mountain yesterday.
Unfortunately it was very busy.
We got 2cm overnight snow, but the condition was extremely icy at Blackcomb mountain. Overall snow coverage at Blackcomb mountain is still very bad, so we’d recommend you to ride...
We got 9cm overnight snow. The weather pattern indicated it’s an icy and cloudy according to forecasts, but it ended up an amazing bluebird powder day.
We got 12cm overnight snow. The overnight weather was suspicious that the temperature went below 0 and above 0, so it should have been as bad as the infamous Boxing...
2cm of new overnight snow, and it was raining and windy. Gondolas to bring up people had no problem, and it wasn’t a boxing day, so the lift lines were...
Whistler Blackcomb reported an accumulation of 18cm of fresh snow overnight. Unfortunately, the new snow underwent melting and refreezing, resulting in a gondola opening delay of over 2 hours. The...
It was snowing a lot! It was not very busy too; the snow on groomed run were good in the morning until it’s tracked, but significantly better than the other...
It was a partially sunny but mostly cloudy, windy, and cold day with no overnight snow. It was busy and the snow become icy from mid morning.
It was a clear sunny and cold day with no overnight snow. It was busy and the snow become icy from late morning.
Peak express chair finally opened today!
We got 5cm of new snow. Whistler Blackcomb did not enough enough for a long time but we finally got them somewhat filled in! Runs with fresh powder were great...
It’s an icy day with lots of muds and exposures.
A chill day with very little new snow. It’s also santa day today, so there were many santa snowboarders and santa skiers today.
It was a mini powder day. We got about 5cm of fresh snow last night. The snow was not deep enough for the most of off-piste, but the groomed runs...
No new snow, partly overcast, and a windy day, so not much to expect, but the snow was actually not bad at all. It was well groomed and the artificial...
It was a chilly Monday with clear blue skies, with not many people around. A skier remarked, “It’s like skiing in Ontario,” and I couldn’t help but agree, noting that...
First time to update on a weekend! Today promises a powder-filled adventure, and being Sunday, anticipate a bustling scene.
The snow was icier than previous, and the snow coverage was thinner, but it was still fine at the most of groomed runs. Off-piste runs outside the resort boundary won’t...
It’s still the early season, so not many runs are open, and the snow depth is not enough.
It’s the opening day today Thursday 2023-11-23!
Last year it was Thursday 2022-11-24.
This is the last snow report of this season 2022/2023.
Powder day! It was cold only in the early morning, and was mostly hot and sunny today. The snow conditions both on groomed runs and ungroomed runs were incredible. You...
It was cold only in the early morning, and was mostly hot and sunny today. The snow conditions at the groomed runs were nice under the sun. Shady areas or...
It was a very hot sunny slushy and very busy day. The visibility was great, and the snow was mostly good. However it was busy pretty much anywhere.
It was snowing all the day. The visibility was not the best but the snow was very good, and it was not very busy.
This was a mini powder day.
It was a hard packed, cloudy but visible, and not busy good day. The snow was mostly icy and the layer is still thin, so you can still find sketchy...
It was a sunny and extremely cold day. Unfortunately all the powder from yesterday is completely gone, leaving hard-packed snow, but the groomed runs were still good, particularly under the...
Q. Is there a washroom at around parking lot 6?
This was the first powder day in Whistler Blackcomb! Recorded 28cm of snow and the temporature was -16. The snow was deep and dry.
It was a very cold -16C and clear day. A lot of snow cannons were running at the lower part of the mountain. Note that the snow cannon at this...
It’s the opening day today Thursday 2022-11-24!
This article focuses on Blackcomb mountain this time, unlike the previous Whistler article
This is the second time to report in this season! The weather today was snowy and foggy. It was weird that the village was actually colder than the mountain. As...
This is our first time to show Whistler Blackcomb resort! This time we focus only on Whistler mountain, particularly for first time visitors running green runs.
Tag Sasquatch mountain
First time to report about Sasquatch mountain resort!
Tag Tech
Tag Kicking Horse Mountain Resort
According to Kicking Horse Mountain Resort official snow report they did not get any new snow, but according to snow-forecast.com they got couple millimeter of overnight snow. Also it was...
This is our first Kicking Horse Mountain Resort snow report!
Tag Cypress mountain
The cypress mountain trail map image is from Cypress mountain official webpage
Both the snow and the visibility were amazing. It was really busy even on a Monday. It was very hot at the afternoon too, particularly at the lower half of...
Tag SilverStar Mountain Resort
This is our first time reporting SilverStar mountain resort.