2022-03-03 Grouse mountain snow report

It was snowing in the morning and turned into cloudy foggy later. The snow was very wet and soft, so the board goes really slow and the foundation is not very stable, like spring time, but with active snow. It was not very busy too.
Not recommended to ride at Upper Buckhorn or Skyline. Upper Buckhorn did not have enough snow at the lower part, and Skyline was too slow that you must keep your board flat and straight. Part of Paper Trail, particularly the left side, was sketchy too. You can easily see the top of grass or dirt. The Cut was good.
Overall rate: 3/5 ★★★☆☆
Closed Runs:
- Coffin
- Peak Glades
Chalet Road got a new sign to navigate people. That looks better than the previous:
The Cut was nice:
It’s a good day to practice some tricks like tail press or buttering.