2022-03-08 Grouse mountain snow report

It was partially foggy but mostly actually very clear today. The foggy areas, particularly the Cut in the morning, were as foggy as yesterday, but if you move a little bit you can see snow very clearly, and sometimes you can even see all the way to downtown Vancouver!
The snow was extremely soft, wet, and slushy. In the morning grooming did nice job, but in the afternoon all the runs got chunky. It’s actually a great day to explore ungroomed runs, such as Blue Face, Grinder Tracks, Coola’s Corner, Dogleg, Upper Purgatory, Hades, and even Inferno, since the soft snow slows down and makes it easier to grip at a hard area. Parks are also great as long as you keep the speed.
Overall rate: 4/5 ★★★★☆
Closed runs:
- Lower Blazes
- Coffin
- Peak Glades
The Cut in the morning:
Chalet Road in the morning:
Expo in the morning:
Peak was great earlier but got sketchy as some dirt got exposed gradually.