Northlands (Blue)

Northlands is the most popular blue run at Seymour mountain.
This is accessible from Mystery Peak Express. Unload from the lift and turn right towards the signboard:
The view from this run is definitely one of the best in Seymour mountain on a clear sunny day:
The view of an invertion temperature day on 2022-01-26:
This run is structured as
- a bit steep exposed area. This area can be tracked out and form small moguls easily
- Split into Friendly Nuthouse entrance
- relatively flat area with one wide small jump kicker that you can ollie on
- curve right with merging from Mystery Lake Run
- Merge back from Friendly Nuthouse
- relatively steep bowl. This area seems to have more injuries than other areas
- merge into other runs
- e.g. Unicorn entrance
- e.g. Unicorn entrance
After Northlands, you can choose the following runs to move on: