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2023-01-02 Grouse mountain snow report

The runs today were made of the following two things: ice and shaved ice. It was very busy, even though there weren’t tyee ski club. A lot of runs were...

2022-12-30 Grouse mountain snow report

It was the most foggy and wet day. The base was already full of skiers about an hour before opening, and the runs got busy immediately after opening. We got...

2022-12-28 Grouse mountain snow report

It was the busiest weekday. The snow started hard-packed slippery fast wet snow, and turned into spring slush, which wasn’t bad. It was very foggy, but the exposures ironically helped...

2022-12-23 Grouse mountain snow report

It was the combination of the best snow ever and worst everything else.

2022-12-22 Grouse mountain snow report

It was -9C nice dry cold day. The snow was mix of hard-packed groomed piste and dry soft deep powder, like yesterday. Due to cloud above the mountain the visibility...

2022-12-21 Grouse mountain snow report

It was sunny, cold, extremely busy, and mix of hard-packed or powder snow day. Both the Screaming Eagle and Olympic chairs were busy. Buses were packed. Saw a long line...

2022-12-20 Downtown Vancouver snow report (w/ Grouse report too)

Unfortunately due to heavy snow in the city and Grouse’s delayed opening, I had to give up going to Grouse for today’s report. Let me post Downtown Vancouver snow report...

2022-12-19 Grouse mountain snow report

The Christmas holiday season officially started. Grouse mountain operation hours on a weekday is now not 9:00am to 9:00pm but 8:00am to 10:00pm. The first upload Skyride is 7:45am.

2022-12-16 Grouse mountain snow report

The snow was mixture of snow or hard-packed, depending on the location. The busier and the sunnier the softer the snow is. The best was The Cut and the worst...

2022-12-15 Grouse mountain snow report

The snow was icier than yesterday but still snow. The view was amazing. It was not dark but unfortunately the terrain was hard to read because of flat light. It...

2022-12-14 Grouse mountain snow report

This was so far the best day ever in this season at Grouse mountain. Very clear infinite visibility, soft snow, nice grooming, and not busy. Can’t expect more.

2022-12-13 Grouse mountain snow report

The visibility was very bad, but sometimes it was somewhat clear. Way more visible than the last Friday. The snow was hard-packed but some area had fresh snow or fresh...

2022-12-12 Grouse mountain snow report

It was clear sunny and icy day. More runs opened since the last weekend, including Skyline, which made it a lot easier to explore all the runs other than just...

Paradise (Green)

Grouse’s “bunny hill,” Paradise is anything but what its name suggests. Designed for new skiers and snowboarders, Paradise is short and very mellow but at the same time features a...

2022-12-09 Grouse mountain snow report

The snow was not bad, but the visibility was zero. The feature image above is a photo I took at the upper part of The Cut from the right side,...