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Grouse mountain

The grouse mountain trail map image is from Grouse mountain official webpage

2023-05-04 Whistler Blackcomb mountain snow report

This is the last snow report of this season 2022/2023.

2023-04-21 Grouse mountain snow report

Snow was wet and soft. It was very bad at first since it grabbed board like glue but after many people riding through it got a lot better and stable....

2023-04-20 Grouse mountain snow report

Snow was hard-packed and rough, and the weather was very windy and snowy later. Groomed runs were very bad, but ungroomed areas were nice and softer.

2023-04-19 Grouse mountain snow report

It was similar to yesterday but with less powder, and it sleeted a lot. It was not very busy. The visibility was as bad as yesterday

2023-04-18 Grouse mountain snow report

It was very nice powder day! Unfortunately as they’ve announced Olympic chair was not working today, so the only runs available were mellow which is not the best for a...

2023-04-14 Grouse mountain snow report

We got new snow, and it was not raining, so the snow in the early afternoon when it opened was great at groomed runs, but unfortunately ungroomed runs’ snow weren’t...

2023-04-12 Whistler Blackcomb mountain snow report

Powder day! It was cold only in the early morning, and was mostly hot and sunny today. The snow conditions both on groomed runs and ungroomed runs were incredible. You...

2023-04-11 Grouse mountain snow report

It was powder day, the resort was almost empty, and the visibility was not bad! This is definitely one of the best days in Grouse mountain of this season.

2023-04-10 Grouse mountain snow report

It was the last morning operation of Grouse mountain. The snow was hard-packed, icy, and chunky, but the runs where everybody go through were getting better and better as they...

Cypress mountain

The cypress mountain trail map image is from Cypress mountain official webpage