As you’ve seen our reports at the season 2021/2022, we have covered more than 1 weekly reports for Grouse mountain, more than 1 monthly reports for Seymour mountain, 1 report...
This is the final weekday operation of Grouse mountain in this season. It was snowing with good visibility. The air was actually cold. The snow at the top of the...
This is the final week of Grouse mountain in this season! They really did a great job collecting all the snow into the main runs to keep them runnable. The...
It had been raining for a while but finally it cleared out. It was a nice chilling cloudy day with good visibility. The snow was almost melt and slushy, but...
The snow was soft and slow but not very wet, and the visibility was good. The sun was mostly covered by thin layer of cloud so the temperature was not...
It was a day with random weather. It started cloudy with directional light with spotted blue sky, and turned into big dump of snow. The new snow was unfortunately very...
It was very similar to yesterday, but the snow started firm at first. After getting more snow, the snow on top of the firm wet layer made your ride very...
The weather today was very random. Sometimes it was extremely foggy, sometimes it was clear sunny, and somewhat in between. The snow started smooth and slushy, but turned into more...
The snow was still wet powder, but the visibility was way better than yesterday. It was extremely busy as a weekday. The snow is unstable but so soft that even...
It was wet powder, slow, foggy, and empty day. Grouse mountain got fresh powder snow with a hint of rain or moist, so the snow layer on relatively hard packed...
This is the longest main green run Seymour mountain has. This 1km run starts a bit steep and narrow, then flattens out with some rollers and trees. In the middle...