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2024-04-09 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

It was blue bird powder day! We got 14cm new snow, and the visibility was great. The snow was not wet but creamy & fluffy. It was busier than usual,...

2024-04-08 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

The resort was empty, and the snow was not bad at all, thanks to some new snow.

2024-04-05 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

The visibility was great. Snow was not the best but at least evenly groomed, so you can still carve. It was not busy at all.

2024-04-04 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

It was unfortunately icy but groomed runs’ conditions were not bad. It was not busy at all.

2024-04-03 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

We got 21cm of overnight snow. However, more than half of the snow was wet snow and refrozen into pure ice.

2024-04-02 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

Zero visibility and the snow was bumpy and ice. It started raining at the top of the mountain. At lease it was not busy at all which was good, but...

2024-03-29 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

It’s Good Friday, and got 5cm overnight snow, so the resort was busy and actually icy. Not a great day to go there.

2024-03-28 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

We got 10cm overnight snow, and it was partially sunny, so it’s a bluebird mini-pow day!

2024-03-27 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

It was raining in the village, wet-snowing on the mountain, and windy at the top. The visibility was not good, and the snow was mix of sticky and fast. Groomed...

2024-03-25 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

The snow on groomed runs were not bad, but if you go out of the groomed runs, it was very icy and hard packed. The visibility was not good, and...

2024-03-22 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

The snow today was very weird at the mid mountain, and it was extremely foggy. It was like hard packed partially still frozen wet snow, and it was sticky and...

2024-03-19 Grouse mountain snow report

It’s a hot and clear sunny slushy snow day.

2024-03-18 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

It was hot but the snow was still icy and somewhat bumpy. Visibility was good.

2024-03-15 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

It was an extremely hot day. The snow was sticky but not too bad. It was not too busy too, particularly in the afternoon.

2024-03-13 Whistler Blackcomb snow report

It’s a sunny rip and grip day. The snow condition was good and stable. It was busy but once alpine chairs (Peak Express, Harmony 6 Express, 7th Heaven Express, and...